Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Theology Proper.

I started this blog with the main intention of recording thoughts and journaling my spiritual adventure as I begin graduate school. When people discover that I am about to begin school, they often ask me what my intended area of study or focus will be, if not for further study/school then for my thesis. After a large amount of contemplation and deep thought, I have concluded that God is leading me in the direction of learning more about Him (Yhwh) and His nature. In other words, my focus of study will be Theology Proper, or commonly referred to as the Study of God.

I labeled the blog The Jealous One because the Bible records that Yhwh's name is Jealous and He is a jealous God (Ex. 34:14). I am under a personal conviction that God's jealousy is His greatest attribute. Why? Because without God's jealousy, we would never understand, experience, and have a foundation for God's mercy. It is because God is jealous that He extends and gives mercy to fallen humanity. In fact, if God was not jealous, He would not be able to be "merciful." Out of His jealousy stems all other relational attributes of God. This is my primary research interest and a more concentrated focus within the Theology Proper field.

With that said, I welcome you to my blog and encourage you to follow closely. Above and beyond the scope of writing strictly about Theology Proper, I will have posts that have no correlation to theology, but they will always be in light of the Creator (i.e., I enjoy hiking and may post pictures of nature or views from my hikes, but this is to celebrate the creative genius of Yhwh). In other words, this blog will always focus on Yhwh and who He is and what He is like, especially in His interactions with His creations.

With that said, I welcome you.